USATF Nebraska Announcement: New Masters Chair – Jeff Marcuzzo

April 6, 2023

USATF Nebraska is excited to announce the appointment of Jeff Marcuzzo as the new Master’s Chair for our Association.  According to Nebraska Association President Mike Maryott “Jeff is going to be a great addition to our leadership team! We are looking forward to growing our Masters programs under his guidance.” 

Jeff has been active with the Nebraska USATF Association since 2013 when he began volunteering with the Cornhusker Flyers as a horizontal jumps coach. Jeff has also been a horizontal jumps official for the last 33 years, of which the last ten he has been the head long jump/triple jump official for the Nebraska USATF Youth Program, and within the last year he has become a certified USATF and Husker’s official. Most recently, Jeff attended the 2022 National USATF Convention as a Delegate. Jeff is excited to continue his USATF volunteer mission as the new Masters’ Chair and looking forward to making a positive impact for Master’s Athletes.
